Nemaha United Methodist Church
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Worship Services
Sundays – 8:45AM
Bible Study following worship on the second Sunday of each month complete with lunch/brunch.
Communion on the first Sunday of the month.
Maundy Thursday
April 6th, 2023 – 7:00PM
Location: Nemaha UMC
Good Friday Service
April 7th, 2023 – 7:00PM
Location: Nemaha UMC with Unity Church of Sac City
Easter Service
April 9th, 2023 – 7:00AM
Location: Nemaha UMC
Breakfast to follow!
Special Moments
- For many years, the Nemaha United Methodist Church assisted student ministers as they served our church while attending college and seminary.
- Two of our former members entered the ministry of Jesus Christ. Frank Jackson (deceased) and Dale White (deceased) both went on from Nemaha to share the word of God with others. Dale White eventually became a Bishop within the United Methodist Church.
- Years and years of delicious Nemaha United Methodist Women church suppers. Known far and wide!
- Every fall, we have a Lord’s Acre and Hour fund drive where members share their bounty by donating to church projects and needs and also outside missions of the church.
- Prepare and deliver Harvest Snack bags to all those involved in fall harvest.
- Bible Study—we have a very active Adult Bible Study that meets monthly.
April 6th – Maundy Thursday in Nemaha 7PM
April 7th – Good Friday Service @ Unity Church of Sac City 7PM
April 9th – Easter Service 7AM
March 8th – Nemaha UMC administrative board meeting @ 7PM
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Our History
It is reported in our books that “the first religious impulses which culminated in the establishment of the Nemaha United Methodist Church were experienced by devout residents in June 1886 under the influence of a camp meeting held at Storm Lake under the leadership of Rev. B.S. Taylor”. In June of 1886, Charles Hiltz’s mother and brother held a special fasting prayer for him. It was at this camp meeting that he was converted and the establishment of the Nemaha United Methodist Church began. The newly converted Charles shared his story with those in the area and found that many of them were anxious to have regular preaching in the neighborhood. He visited with Rev. Taylor who encouraged him to trust in the Lord and continue to share his joy. Charles secured the use of a grove near Mr. E.W. Fanning’s and scheduled a meeting for August 7, 1886. Following this meeting, a class was organized, prayer meetings were held each Wednesday evening and preaching services were held on Sunday. C.E. Alford was licensed to preach and held meetings at the Fanning schoolhouse and two other places. In 1887, the Rev. A.A. Wilcox was appointed by the conference to carry on the work known as Early Circuit—Nemaha was one of the churches served in this circuit.
In July of 1889, a church was built two miles northwest of Nemaha on the Luff farm. It was known as the Bethel Church and in 1891 it became part of the Sulphur Springs circuit. In 1900, the members decided to move the church building into the town of Nemaha. Being moved by the use of a capstan, it was a slow process and it took several weeks before the building was set down in Nemaha. The church building was rededicated on July 26, 1900. By 1919, the congregation realized that the church building was in need of some extensive repairs and our history books tell us that a member who was approached to donate towards the repairs said, “I will not give anything to repair the old church, but I will give a thousand dollars to build a new one.” After many meetings and much fund raising, it was reported that $18, 410 had been subscribed for this project but it was soon discovered that the contractors’ bids were much higher than this amount. With much faith and devotion, a contract was signed with the C.F. Reimer Co. of Marshalltown to build a new church for $26,745. This building of Spanish Architecture, made of brick and with beautiful stained glass windows celebrated its 100th year in May of 2021. The church building has seen many improvements and changes throughout the years but has continued to provide a place “for regular preaching in the neighborhood”.
We are proud of our heritage and pray that this generation and those to come will, with much perseverance and prayer, continue—“To Know Jesus and Make Him Known”